Symbols name - 60 List of Symbol Name in English

List of Symbol Name

Typographical symbols and punctuation marks are essential elements in written communication, as they help convey meaning, clarify structure, and aid in the proper interpretation of texts. These symbols play a crucial role in expressing tone, indicating pauses, and organizing content. Here are some commonly used typographical symbols and punctuation marks, along with their meanings and uses:

List of Symbol Name

Sometimes you may ask this question What is this symbol called This list includes some of the commonly used symbols in English.
Symbol Symbols Name
. Full Stop (Period)
, Comma
: Colon
; Semicolon
/ Slash
- minus sign
+ Plus sign
× Multiplication sign
Per mille
= Equal
% Percent
> Greater Than
< Less than
÷ Division sign
" " Quotation Mark
? Question Mark
() Parentheses
- Hyphen
! Exclamation Mark
[] Square Bracket
{ } Curly Braces
& And (Ampersand)
@ At Sign
# Hash
_ Underscore
| Vertical bar
© Copyright Symbol
Bullet Point
Almost equal to
* Asterisk
\ Backslash
^ Caret
Estimated sign
« » Guillemet
¡ Inverted exclamation mark
¿ Inverted question mark
® Registered trademark
§ Silcrow or Section Mark
Trademark symbol
Servicemark symbol
$ Dollar sign
° Degree
Double Prime
Infinity Symbol
~ Tilde
¥ Japanese Yen
£ Pound Sterling
Male Gender Sign
Male and Female Sign
°C Celsius
Symbols name

Symbols Names in English with description

Full Stop (Period) (.) - Used to indicate the end of a sentence.
Comma (,) - Used to separate items in a list, clauses in a sentence, or for pauses in speech.
Question Mark (?) - Used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.
Exclamation Mark (!) - Used to show strong emotion or emphasis.
Colon (:) - Used to introduce a list, explanation, or quotation.
Semicolon (;) - Used to connect related but independent clauses.
Hyphen (-) - Used to join words or parts of words, or to indicate a range.
En Dash (–) - Used to indicate a range of values, such as numbers, dates, or time.
Apostrophe (') - Used to indicate possession or contraction in words.
Quotation Marks (" ") - Used to enclose direct speech, quotes, or titles of shorter works.
Parentheses () - Used to enclose additional information or asides within a sentence.
Brackets [] - Used to enclose explanatory or editorial comments within quoted text.
Ellipsis (...) - Used to indicate the omission of words or a trailing off in thought.
Slash (/) - Used to indicate alternatives, divisions, or fractions.
Backslash (\) - Used to indicate file paths in computer systems.
Ampersand (&) - Used to represent "and" in a condensed form.
Percent Sign (%) - Used to represent a percentage.
Dollar Sign ($) - Used to represent currency or money.
At Sign (@) - Used in email addresses and social media usernames.
Hash/Pound Sign (#) - Used as a symbol in hashtags and for various other purposes.
Bullet Point (•) - Used to create a simple list of items.
Copyright Symbol (©) - Used to indicate ownership of intellectual property.
Registered Trademark Symbol (®) - Used to indicate a registered trademark.
Trademark Symbol (™) - Used to indicate a trademark.
Section Sign (§) - Used to refer to a section of a document or legal code.
Degree Symbol (°) - Used to denote degrees of temperature or angles.
Prime and Double Prime (′ and ″) - Used to represent feet and inches, minutes and seconds, and prime numbers.
Infinity Symbol (∞) - Used to represent an unbounded value.
Plus Sign (+) and Minus Sign (-) - Used for addition and subtraction operations.
Equal Sign (=) - Used to indicate equality or assignment.
Greater Than (>) and Less Than (<) - Used to represent inequality or comparison.
Curly Braces ({}) - Used to enclose sets or blocks of content.
Chevron or Angle Bracket (< >) - Used for various purposes, including indicating code in programming.
Vertical Bar or Pipe (|) - Used to separate options or values in programming and other contexts.

Typographical symbols and punctuation marks

here are some more typographical symbols and punctuation marks:

Tilde (~) - Used to indicate approximation or to represent negation in logic.
Caret (^) - Used to indicate exponentiation or to mark insertions in text.
Interrobang (‽) - A combination of a question mark and an exclamation mark, used to express a mixture of query and disbelief.
Section Mark (§) - Another representation of the section symbol.
Pilcrow (¶) - Used to mark the beginning of a new paragraph or to indicate a paragraph break.
Prime (′) and Double Prime (″) - Used for various measurement units and notations.
Currency Symbols - Various symbols representing different currencies, such as € (Euro), £ (Pound Sterling), ¥ (Japanese Yen), and more.
Prime Mark (′) - Used to denote the derivative of a function in mathematics.
Acute Accent (´) and Grave Accent (`) - Used in diacritical marks in languages and for emphasis.
Cedilla (¸) - Used in diacritics to modify the pronunciation of certain letters.
Diaeresis/Umlaut (¨) - Used in diacritical marks to indicate separate pronunciation of two adjacent vowels.
Circumflex (^) - Used in diacritics to modify the pronunciation of certain letters.
Macron (¯) - Used in diacritics to indicate a long vowel sound.
Ogonek (˛) - Used in diacritics in some languages to indicate nasalization or palatalization.
Breve (˘) - Used in diacritics to indicate a short vowel sound.

Please note that this list might not be exhaustive, and some symbols might have additional uses in specific contexts.